National Theatre of Scotland's Rocket Post returns to the screen in October


2 Oct 2019

News Story

A woman holds a large silver rocket above her head as it prepares to fly

Gaelic below.

A special filmed version of the National Theatre of Scotland’s 2017 production Rocket Post is to be shown as part of Mòd Ghlaschu 2019 at the CCA, Glasgow on 16 and 18 October. Rocket Poston Screen is a family show which playfully tells an extraordinary true story in English and Gaelic, and the screenings will also be followed by a free family drama workshop in Gaelic.

Packed with songs, charm and humour, Rocket Post is the tale of eccentric German scientist Gerhard Zucker and his plan which led to the famed Latha na Rocait – the Day of the Rocket – on the Isle of Harris in 1934.

Mòd Ghlaschu is Scotland’s premier Gaelic cultural festival, with a programme of events taking place across Glasgow from 11-19 October.

Rocket Post on Screen was originally commissioned as a ground-breaking collaboration between National Theatre of Scotland and The Space and filmed specially at performances on Harris. The film will also be made available for free on the National Theatre of Scotland’s website during the October half-term break from Monday 14 to Friday 18 October 2019.

Following the screenings at Mòd Ghlaschu, the film and workshops led by cast members and National Theatre of Scotland staff will tour to Gaelic schools and units across Scotland.

Full information on the project, including booking information for the screenings and workshops are available here.

Tha film sònraichte de riochdachadh bho Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba den Phost Rocaid ann an 2017 gu bhith air a thaisbeanadh mar phàirt de Mhòd Ghlaschu 2019 san CCA, Glaschu air 16 agus 18 Dàmhair. Is e taisbeanadh teaghlaich a th’ anns Am Post Rocaid air Sgrion a tha ag innse ann an dòigh èibhinn sgeulachd fhìor iongantach ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla, agus bidh na sgrionaidhean air an leantainn le bùth-obrach dràma teaghlaich an-asgaidh.

Air a lìonadh le òrain, geasan agus àbhachd, ’s e sgeulachd a th’ anns Am PostRocaid mu fhear-saidheans Gearmailteach, Gerhard Zucker, agus a phlana a lean gu Latha na Rocaid ainmeil – air Eilean na Hearadh ann an 1934.

Is e prìomh fhèis cultar na Gàidhlig a th’ ann am Mòd Ghlaschu, le prògram de thachartasan a’ gabhail àite air feadh Ghlaschu bho 11-19 Dàmhair.

Chaidh Am Post Rocaid air Sgrion a choimiseanadh an toiseach mar cho-obrachadh tùsail eadar Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba agus The Space agus fhilmeadh a dh’aon ghnothaich aig gnìomhaidhean sna Hearadh. Bidh am film cuideachd ri faotainn an-asgaidh air làrach-lìn Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba tro shaor-làithean meadhan-teirm na Dàmhair bho Diluain 14 gu Dihaoine 18 Dàmhair 2019.

A’ leantainn nan sgrionaidhean aig Mòd Ghlaschu, thèid am film agus bùithtean-obrach air an stiùireadh le buill de sgioba-cluiche agus luchd-obrach Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba air chuairt gu sgoiltean agus aonadan Gàidhlig air feadh Alba.

Tha làn fhiosrachadh mun phròiseact, a’ gabhail a-steach fiosrachadh mu chlàradh airson nan sgrionaidhean agus nam bùithtean-obrach, ri fhaotainn an seo.