June Carter Cash : The Woman, Her Music and Me | Access

Contact Us
Contact us with any questions about access for June Carter Cash: The Woman, Her Music and Me
Email: access@nationaltheatrescotland.com
Phone: 0141 221 0970
Our office is open from 10.00am – 6.00pm, Monday to Friday. If you are calling or emailing outside of these hours, please leave a message with your contact information and we will respond as soon as possible.
Access tickets can be purchased using the BOOK NOW links on our website or by contacting venues directly using the details below.
Venue contact details
Summerhall, Edinburgh
Email: info@summerhall.co.uk
Phone: 0131 560 1580
The Barn, Banchory
Email: mail@thebarnarts.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1330 825431
Òran Mór, Glasgow
Email: info@oran-mor.co.uk
Phone: 0141 357 6200
The Royal British Legion, Dunfermline
Email: info@outwithfestival.co.uk
Cochran Hall, Kirkcudbright
Email: kbtcommunitycentre@btinternet.com
Phone: 01557 331281
Millennium Centre, Stranraer
Email: enquiries@stranraermillenniumcentre.co.uk
Phone: 01776 700000
Brodick Hall, Arran
Email: moirahalllets@yahoo.com
Phone: 01770 302065
Rockfield Centre, Oban
Email: general@therockfieldcentre.org.uk
Phone: 01631 701921
Ullapool Village Hall
Email: UllapoolVillageHallBookings@outlook.com
Phone: 07562 087145
Forres Town Hall
Email: info@forresarea.org
Phone: 01309 674 388
Wheelchair Access
All touring venues for June Carter Cash: The Woman, Her Music and Me are fully accessible. To book a wheelchair space please contact the venue directly.
For performances at Millennium Centre, Stranraer; Brodick Hall, Arran; Rockfield Centre, Oban; or Ullapool Village hall please contact us on access@nationaltheatrescotland.com.
Audio Description
Audio Description by Emma-Jane McHenry will be available at the following performance dates and times:
Summerhall, Edinburgh: Wed 14 Aug 4.20pm & Tue 20 Aug 4.20pm
Oran Mor, Glasgow: Sun 1 Sep 7:30pm
Forres Town Hall, Forres: Saturday 21 Sep 7:30pm
Integrated BSL Interpretation
Integrated BSL Interpretation by Sarah Forrester will be available at the following performance dates and times:
Summerhall, Edinburgh: Thu 8 Aug 4.20pm, Thu 17 Aug 4.20pm & Tue 22 Aug 4.20pm
Oran Mor, Glasgow: Sun 1 Sep 7:30pm
Forres Town Hall, Forres: Sat 21 Sep 7:30pm
Captioning by Alison Pendlowski will be available at the following performance dates and times:
Summerhall, Edinburgh: Sat 10 Aug 4.20pm & Wed 21 Aug 4.20pm
Oran Mor, Glasgow: Fri 30 Aug 7:30pm
Autism Friendly, Relaxed and Chilled Performances
We aim for all performances of June Carter Cash: The Woman, Her Music and Me to be Autism Friendly and neurodivergent audience members are welcome at all of our performances. Visual guides will be available to download on our website and will be available from box office at the venue. A chill out space will be provided at all venues where space allows.
Relaxed Performances are created to make watching performance more accessible by ‘relaxing’ the usual rules of theatre etiquette – they allow for noise and movement from the audience, as well as tailoring light and sound for those with sensory sensitivities and offering more space within the auditorium with audiences being to come and go as suits them. Relaxed performances are for all audience members who would benefit from a more relaxed theatre environment, including (but not limited to) neurodivergent people, people with a learning disability and parents with very young children.
Relaxed performances are available at the following dates and times:
Summerhall, Edinburgh: Sun 18 Aug 4.20pm
Chilled performances are available at the following dates and times:
Summerhall, Edinburgh: Tue 20 Aug 4.20pm