News Story

TiSS is back on the road for a new school term touring One of Twoby Jack HunterandGingerby Tortoise in a Nutshell to primary and secondary schools across Scotland.
We are delighted to be two acclaimed Scottish theatre productions, One of Two by Jack Hunter and Ginger by Tortoise in a Nutshell, to primary and secondary school pupils this autumn. The productions will be touring in November and December 2024 visiting schools across Scotland.
“An amazing experience. All of the children were enthralled and completely absorbed in the story. Fabulous stimulus for discussion, many thanks.” (Primary school headteacher)
One of Two by Jack Hunter, produced by Independent Arts Projects, is a one-man comedy drama written and performed by Jack and directed by Joe Douglas. This autobiographical production, based on Jack's own experiences, is about twins growing up with cerebral palsy: Bec (a wheelchair user) and Jack (who walks with a limp). Each twin had a very different experience navigating life and school.
Jack Hunter is an award-winning disabled performer and writer originally from Inverness. One of Two premiered at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2022 in association with Birds of Paradise Theatre Company and has toured internationally since. The show was subsequently developed for school audiences through an Imaginate creative development project.
Ginger by Tortoise in a Nutshell, created in association with Platform and Lyth Arts Centre is a colourful, immersive performance using puppetry and play for younger primary pupils. With the flavour of a TV cookery show, it tells the tale of a misshapen gingerbread person, discarded and marked for the bin, who inspires a picture-perfect kitchen to come to life. Performances of Ginger are followed by a gingerbread decorating session for pupils.
Directed by Alex Bird and Arran Howie, the show is performed by Kerry Cleland with puppeteer Ella Mackay and set design by Katy Rae Wilson and produced by Tortoise in a Nutshell, a multi-award-winning company based in Edinburgh creating world class award-winning visual theatre.
Julian Almeida, Theatre in Schools Scotland Project Manager said: “We are thrilled to be touring such innovative and brilliant productions to schools as part of this year’s Theatre in Schools Scotland programme. We believe in the transformative power of theatre to inspire, motivate and challenge children and we hope that One of Two and Ginger will offer pupils a unique and enriching perspective on the world and memorable new creative experiences. The opportunity for children throughout Scotland to experience performances in their school is invaluable, and TiSS is committed to developing the link between schools and Scotland’s theatre and dance sector”
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