Festival of Politics 2022

Today the Festival of Politics launches it’s 2022 programme. Be inspired by the Festival line-up, which features events tackling some of the issues that matter the most to people across Scotland. Join us in the iconic surroundings of the Scottish Parliament with our varied programme of debate, music, theatre and photography.
Themes such as end of life choices, the state of the UK union, cost of living crisis, our climate, migration and equality will all feature. Alongside distinguished panel guests drawn from all walks of life from across Scotland and beyond, sessions will allow festivalgoers to share their own experiences and ask questions of the experts.
The Debating Chamber will also see well-known figures address the audience in a series of ‘in conversation’ style events. Philosopher Professor A.C. Grayling will talk about the three most urgent challenges facing the world today: climate change, technology and justice. Well-known footballer John Barnes will talk about his experiences of racism and what needs to be done to tackle this in modern society.
This year’s Festival will be a mix of free, online and in-person events. Book now: www.festivalofpolitics.scot