Everything's A Moving Picture

How to set the scene with video
30 June, 1 July and 2 July 2020 at 11.00am
A series of three video workshops created by leading Scottish theatre audio visual designer Lewis den Hertog which look at how to approach using video to help tell stories.
The videos will explore ways you can do this with “stock” and archive footage (footage that already exists), interesting ways for young people to make footage at home and how you can be creative with text and subtitles to make shows more interesting for people who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing.
For ages 10 +
Share the Play Dates fun!
We'd love you to share the fun you're having with us. You can send your pictures and videos to us at: playdates@nationaltheatrescotland.com, tag us on social media or use the hashtags:

Episode 1: Getting started | Ages 10+
First broadcast Tuesday 30 June at 11.00am
Episode 2: Filming your own footage at home | Ages 10+
First broadcast Wednesday 1 July at 11.00am
Episode 3: Making Captions | Ages 10+
First broadcast Thursday 2 July at 11.00amCreative Team
Play Dates celebrates and offers fee-based employment to talented freelance artists, technicians and practitioners, who work regularly behind the scenes on the creation of world-class Scottish theatre.
Play Dates offers a selection of curated online resources, including artistic demonstration videos, relating to previous National Theatre of Scotland projects, hosted for free online.
National Theatre of Scotland in association with Starcatchers and Imaginate.