Creative Licht
Over the last few years, we have been working in partnership with Solar Bear, Birds of Paradise and SignArts (Catherine King and Yvonne Strain) to undertake a series of consultation and training days with British Sign Language Interpreters currently working in Scottish theatre with the goal of determining a professional development strategy for theatre interpretation in Scotland.
Initially offering text/character analysis and an introduction to stage terminology, the programme has now settled into a format of a half day Knowledge Exchange with industry professionals followed by a half day specialist masterclass. This allows the sector to meet the interpreters and for both groups to understand the potential for creative interpretation on stage. The masterclasses give interpreters the opportunity to develop performance skills which are not traditionally part of BSL Interpreter training programmes.
The current programme will run from 2017 – 2019 and is funded by Creative Scotland. In addition to the training programme, this funding will also allow interpreters to develop an online hub to share creative interpreting experiences and resources.
Registered Sign Language Inte
rpreters working in Scottish venues have all been invited to join this national programme and events are hosted by Access Scottish Theatre venues across Scotland.
For further information or to enquire about joining the programme, please contact:
Header: Natalie MacDonald in My Left/Right Foot – The Musical, 2019, by Tommy Ga-Ken Wan.